Wednesday, June 3, 2009

UFPE - Comic update

Too long has gone by since I worked on my comic, partly because I was on vacation and then everything disappeared in the jumble of an open suitcase. And partly because it always seems like such a time commitment to work on it, even though the panel I just worked on took me maybe ten minutes, and that's including thinking up the dialogue and the set-up of the entire page. I should just focus on doing one piece at a time instead of being intimidated by the size of it.


I finished the outline of the Prologue for the Book of Might Have Beens, which may or may not get a title besides "Prologue." There are going to be fifteen pages, chronicling the night of his then-young life that changed everything for Bad Guy! It's riddled with the kinds of cliches that constitute the very fabric of the UFPE: a dying grandmother revealing the Family Shame, teenage (for an Elf) angst, flashbacks galore, a stirring tale of days gone by, and of course, casually spoken words that turn out to have Major Significance. The person who says these earth-shattering words also appears in the UFPE V. 1, as I may have mentioned already. I'm debating letting him discover what he spawned with that conversation, and though I can't see it happening in the UFPE chronology... well, that's what the Book of Might Have Beens is for!

I also drew up a sketch of the first panel of the second page, and I'll probably draw one or two more tonight before bed. Last time I wrote out the script first, but I'm in a pencil-and-paper kind of mood right now, and I much prefer a computer for actual writing. In this panel, we see a young Storyteller standing on a barrel, gesticulating grandly as he tells his story (which appears to us only in bits and pieces), a young Bad Guy watching him agog, and some blurry people in the background who are much less interesting than the story. The top caption says, "I did not yet know it, but that was the day I found my destiny," and the bottom caption says, "Or perhaps my destiny found me."

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