Monday, January 12, 2009

Setting out measuring spoons

And so on, to begin a new blog! My goal is to keep this as a creative journal - the point of posting it online is to keep myself accountable to the world at large, whether or not that world actually participates at all. In the past day, I've changed my mind about keeping anonymous; the point of this journal is creativity, which is never a solo effort.

So, creative journal. I'm not quite sure what this entails; all I know is that I'll try to keep the personal drama to a minimum. I think the point is to explore what's on my mind, what recent days have brought, what has surfaced from the morass of memories... and to see if any of that proves interesting.

And so - not much time today; I have reading yet to do tonight, but I can spare a few minutes.

Things on my mind:
Intellectual property, romantic authorship, property rights - who gets what? Who should get what? Why? I'm not a postmodernist to say that "the author is dead," but certainly the author owes much to the subject, to the environment, to learning. Are they ever compensated for these contributions? Via the canon of literary works? Via works that eventually (maybe) fall into public domain?
Advice on writing - knitters do not leave a tail at the end of a day's knitting, contrary to the assertions of one author who insists that aspiring writers should stop cold when they've reached a day's quota. Anyone who knows anything about knitting knows that this is nonsensical. It's not just wrong; it doesn't make sense. I'm as guilty of pretentious philosophizing as anyone, but I hope I don't say things as grossly wrong as that.
Looking ahead - responsibility comes crashing down on me again, but compared to many, the burden is light. Opportunity may come a-knocking. The world is brighter here.

Things recent days have brought:
People here and people there - All the things that circle around in my head make so little difference in the daylight. I don't know what to think about that. I dwell, and I dwell, and when it comes to pass, it always happens in such a different form than I could have expected. Do I berate myself for dwelling? Do I expand my expectations?
Re-emergence into the world after a long vacation - my physical space is smaller, but my world is larger. I like it that way. If I didn't, I would never have left Home and come Here. My things are concentrated, but my feet carry me further.

Things that have surfaced:
People now and people then - I've always dwelled, and I've always dreamed up ludicrous things that never happen. None of this is new. Did I ever see things as clearly then as I do now? Is there a necessary period of cooling before the lines of today's eruptions, eventually hardening and shaping the landscape of the past, can clearly be traced? Oops, more dwelling - and grandiose metaphors on the top of it. Moving on, moving on.
Remembering my habits of this life after picking up vacation habits - I like settling back into my life. Some people find routine irritating and stifling, but I find it comforting. I tend to be flexible with my routine, so there's room for change if I want it. And if not, I know what to fall back on.
Examinations and questions about some friendships I hold - outside the context of romantic relationships (thorny jungles they may be), is the idea of a person to be preferred to the manifestation? Ideas of people are easier to deal with. I wish... I wish... I can't in good conscience wish the manifestation away; do I adjust the idea?

Good enough. Only a little editing (and today is an exception, allowing even that much); I do enough of that as I go along, even when I try to turn off the Critic That Lurks. Back to reading.

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