Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jemma-Verse III: Fun Things

As I mentioned, two ideas from my brainstorming session about Jemma-verse Story III really stuck out to me: magical climate change and postmodern runes. Today during a class where students presented their research ideas, my laptop battery died and I was forced to write my questions for the presenters in my notebook. When I wasn't thinking up questions to ask (because I know I really appreciate people at least pretending to show interest in my presentations), I was doodling some of the postmodern runes that will appear in the MC's pet exhibition.

In the story already is a piece which looks a little like a camera. When someone stands in front of the circle, blobs of color appear on a canvas behind the piece. Magic! These other pieces I'll have to mention because they were a lot of fun to draw and ponder. One looks like a bowl of fruit, which you lick; it's perfectly sanitary! Another looks like an origami crane; it just flies around and maybe makes a noise. Another is a structure of some sort built entirely out of spheres. Another is a carved heart inside a vase; when you touch it, it may or may not zap you. My favorite two are: the reverse Jackson Pollack (it's a painting with squiggles of paint on it, but when you walk past it, the paint flies backward and spatters on you!) and the mouth, which has a lot of scary teeth. When you touch it, it bites you and you bleed - but when you step away, you're all better!

And now I must return to the story itself. I had such fun drawing these, though, that I thought I'd share them with my two loyal readers.


  1. Dang, the bowl, the Jackson Pollack, and mouth sound bizarre. I don't know which one of them I like most, and that says something about how cool they all are. :D

    I'm loyal because you come up with madness. 8D

  2. Sweet! It sounds like you got some inspiration from MoMA in there. It sounds like there's a lot of potential for one of these pieces to have unintentional (or maybe intentional!) sinister effects on people who view them, long past when the people leave the exhibit...

  3. Ryan - Thanks! They were a lot of fun (and distracting) to sketch.

    Daniel - I think so! I wasn't thinking about that, but later it occurred to me that some of these were pretty Burton-esque. And OOOOH I like that, traumatizing people. Hmmm!!

  4. Oh, and other MoMA stuff, definitely!
